Are you Aligned to Take Your Life to the next Level? 

Or Is Second Guessing
Blurring Your Path Forward?

the key to living the life you absolutely love is getting clear and gaining alignment with the life you absolutely love.

Anything else is just a distraction.

Turn the inner friction into clarity and flow so you can start loving your life in 3 days with us at the:

Live Online:

USA: Nov 11-13
AUS: Nov 12-14

To the Intuitive Woman who has no more time to waste doing things that aren't working and just wants 

the secret password 

to her dream life, 

I have a message for you...

You can't create a new life with the same consciousness.

But you can become a new you.

Your biggest dreams are possible.

The peace, ease and joy.

The fulfilling career or business, plenty of money and making a difference.

The ability to trust yourself and your awareness so that the effort you make creates waves.

To have synchronicities pop all day long.

To finally have a community that get's your woo, and feels right.

You want to ditch the endless to-do list and finally live your life for you!

You want the magic, you want peace, you want freedom.

And you want those true desires to finally manifest!
I see you woman. I see you.

Let's release the uncertainty, unblur your path give you your unique roadmap to creating a whole new reality.

It doesn't have to be as hard as it's been.

When your path is blurred, it feels like you are on the hamster wheel.

Why not just do some mantras, or clear the energy, look at your astrology chart or get a psychic reading?

None of these things is the catalyst for long term reality change. 

What you are seeking is a
quantum jump.

Where you are in a new reality, a new life, the one that's been on your vision board for years.

Not stuck trying to fix yourself for years.

You see, a quantum jump is not a quick fling. You will not be whisked through a honeymoon whirlwind then forget everything the moment you complete the immersion.

This isn't a high rah rah event then let down 3 days later  when things go back to average and you are disappointed again. 

It’s not about soaring high momentarily and then forgetting everything once the course is done.

This is a shift you are making for good,  and it starts here.

Your biggest dreams are possible.
The peace, ease and joy.
The fulfilling business, plenty of money and making a difference.
The ability to trust yourself and your awareness.
To finally have a community that get's your woo, and feels right.
To have synchronicities pop all day long.

You want the magic, you want peace, you want freedom.

You want to ditch the endless to-do list and finally live your life for you!

And you want those secret desires to manifest!

I see you woman. I see you.

All it takes is a one decision.

… and you have felt it coming.

Felt it deep in your bones and creeping to the surface of your skin. Noticed it nestled in your head, living loud and rent free and screaming at you to

A decision with such devotion that the magnitude of it rewires your very being. This is…

You've put your all into making sure the people you love are healthy and happy.

You've studied the healing modalities and have a desire to make the world a better place.

You've put your desires on the back burner.

You have the strength to push past any challenge.

You never give up....

At the end of the day, 

you are tired of the grind.

Tired of living a pretty good life.

Tired of being grateful for average, when you secretly desire...

Life to finally be ALL about you!

Eek, but is that really possible?
Won't you piss people off being so selfish?

Deep down, you know that now that you've given your life to everyone else, it's YOUR TURN.



I got you.

I've been in your shoes.

I know what it's like to be window shopping your desires, wishing you could just find the easy button that magically makes that 3 week holiday in Paris appear.

This is why I have helped hundreds of women unblur her biggest dreams, gain clarity, so that she is taking the next steps with confidence, fully supported and  take her power by the reigns and live a life she absolutely loves.

Just like these incredible clients:

Most women think they have to sacrifice to manifest.

You don't have to work for years to have a life you absolutely love.

You don't need millions in the bank to be happy.

You don't need to lose the weight to be in love with your life.

👉🏻 You need to BECOME that YOU Who loves your life, and everything else will arrange for you.

The power of the quantum jump is that there is no more waiting. 

You learn to collapse time, to bring your future self to the now, so that she leads your life.

She makes the choices that you are afraid to make now.

She has already let go of the old hurts and stepped into her power.

She has learned how to say yes to what she truly desires, and no to everything else.... without guilt.

The quantum jump gives you the map to your future so you can start living it now,  Even if it seems really far away as you read this.

A way of living that is easier, happier, and freer.
Some say magical.

Too many people wait their whole lives for

something outside of them to change how they feel internally.

The Quantum Jump Immersion is changing the way you think, the way you act and feel – to totally rewire and reset your mind, body and soul, putting you into a whole new reality, having a quantum jump.

You've tried before. 

Made promises to yourself, those annual resolutions that fizzle out before the seasons truly change.

You’ve dared drastic transformations; had bursts of spiritual awakening, embraced new diets, fitness regimens, uplifting self-talk, and rigorous work schedules. 

But they waned, because 

misaligned motivations seldom last.

I'll show you how to align with the life you absolutely love & how to create it so that it actually manifests.

All it takes is a one decision to gain inner alignment through discovering who you are becoming.  

A decision with such alignment that the magnitude of it recodes your very being. 

This is your…

Where your future self has joined the room.

You no longer have to figure things out, you allow your future self to lead as she has the wisdom.

Once you see your life through her lens, you access clarity, the path unfolds, and you have the map to accessing the life you absolutely love.

This won't be your ordinary event where you learn the same basic information.
You will not be told:


That you need to get up at 4am to meditate 


Get your girl boss on and grind away 


You need to be high vibe all the time


Or have discipline to do the 'right' things (gahhhhh!)

I’m here to tell you most of the things you've been told to 'do' to love your life and manifest your dreams are not quite accurate and are sabotaging your success.

What I've found to be true...

There is no one way to create a life you love, there is the unique way YOU live the life you absolutely love.

You are unique, so there is no 1 right way.

To discover YOUR way, you need to understand your secret desires.

Those secret desires are messages from your future.

When you tune in, listen and are able to translate the secret desires amazing things happen!

You gain clarity.

It's easy to let go.

You release stress.

You are inspired to take action.

You begin to deeply trust yourself.

You stop making yourself feel guilty for choosing for you!

Because you begin to embody this one truth...

Your desires are a win-win for those you love.

In our 3 days together you'll:

Day 1

Clarify your ABSOLUTELY LOVE life

-stop settling-

Day 2

Align yourself with inner knowing & clarity

-eliminate sabotage-

Day 3

Embody the version of you living that life

-let old habits go-

By the end of 3 days together you have the 3 keys to creating a quantum jump in the next 4 months:




Alignment Actions


Embodiment Practices




Alignment Actions


Embodiment Practices

This is your RESET for your life.

You'll be clear and confident moving into 2024 with your plan to live the life you absolutely love!

✅ No more yeah buts.
✅ No more excuses.

✅ No more putting everyone else first.

👉 You are your priority now.

Taking that stand for yourself that now is YOUR time.

And you will create the life you absolutely love.

Get Your Ticket 

to the Quantum Jump Immersion

💎 3 days, 5 hours/day live with Cory Michelle.

💎 Exact process to gain clarity to create your quantum jump into the Life You Absolutely Love.

💎 Energetic Transmissions for Alignment

💎 Future Self Activation.

💎 Process Workbooks.

💎 Video Recordings.

Live Online:

🇺🇸 USA: July 10th - 12th

🇦🇺 AUS: July 11th - 13th

🌎 Global Times


$397 USD

Or 3 monthly payments of $149 USD

Final day to register:

July 9th (USA time)

Cory Michelle Intl' & Conscious360, LLC - COPYRIGHT @ 2024 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 

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