The Universe is like Amazon, it's designed to deliver anything you order.

A desire comes across your mind, your body says YES, and you know exactly how to ask for it to manifest.

Your life has flow, and you get so in tune with the universe that it begins predicting your desires.

'I was just thinking about that, and here it is!'

Sounds like a dream, right? 

But it doesn't have to be just a dream, it can be your reality.  

I am beyond excited to welcome you to the framework of how to consistently receive everything you ask for.

Where I'll reveal what you need to know that took me from repelling my biggest desires to manifesting them in a short time all by gaining the skill of ask & receive.

The best part? 

 You can learn how to do it too.

Cory, OMG I asked for my student loans to be 'handled' by the universe, and Biden just

paid them in full at a tune of $125,000!!! I am so excited! 

Thank you for teaching me how to do this! 

Cory, OMG I asked for my student loans to be 'handled' by the universe, and Biden just paid them in full at a tune of $125,000!!! I am so excited! 

Thank you for teaching me how to do this! 

To the life you absolutely love!

Are you ready to experience the power of your ASK?

Imagine what it would be like...

  • Waking up every morning to your desires manifesting.

  • To get what you truly desire to finally manifest.

  • Not hustling to make things happen, or stressing that they won't.

You're free to live the life you absolutely love!

I'm Cory Michelle, an Ask & Receive Enthusiast, Lover of all things manifestation, Identity Transformation Mentor, Kangaroo enthusiast and engager of all things cosmic.

My personal mission is to help as many Gen-X woman as possible live the life they absolutely love without working hard for it!

We know that the laws of the universe work, so let's get them to finally work for you.

"I had just left my 30 year corporate job and wanted to do more fun and consciousness expanding things and asked the universe to deliver - boom, a free ticket to the

Dr. Dispenza 7 day event landed in my lap!"

I'll never forget the first time I consciously put my ask out to the universe and it showed up... 10 minutes later. 

I had $23 in my checking account at the time  and I wanted sushi, 

While one part of me thought it would be an impossible desire,  I had just learned HOW to ask,  so I tried it.

Here's how it went...

'what would it take to have sushi for dinner tonight?'

Then this happened...10 freaking minutes later...

This is when I knew I HAD to know how to do this EVERY TIME!

Now, this might not seem like much, but something clicked ON within my consciousness and I decided to study the art of ask & receive because... 

I knew I wanted everything to be this easy.

Since then I've discovered exactly how Ask & Receive works so that the universe delivers every time.

But there are some rules to how to do it effectively, and that's what I'd love to teach you in the Magic of the Ask Workshop.

"I was considering a new car, and had an idea of what I wanted.  I asked the universe to deliver and was told by the dealership there were none in stock. 
Magically it showed up days later, the unique color and model, everything!"

I know what you need, friend.

You need a step by step process that doesn't leave you confused.

I know what you need, friend.

You need a step by step process that doesn't leave you confused.

My Superpowers

Breaking down universal concepts into easy-to-follow steps so that you can easily apply them.

Be an energy of embodiment, walking my talk that is a Vibe, a magical vibe where you'll get the energetic transmission.

Using my intuitive gifts multidimensionally delivering a full quantum download for you to receive.

"I can't go back to not asking the universe for everything!

I love how easy it is now that I know HOW to ask and not get attached to the outcome."

  • You're ready to stop wanting and start having
  • You want to experience ease with manifesting
  • You're ready to know your power to create the life you 
  • ​You're ready to know your power to create the life you 
  • ​You're ready to know your power to create the life you 
  • absolutely love without working so hard for it
  • ​You. want to manifest the BIG stuff not just 
  • parking karma and free coffees

Ultimately, you're ready to learn how to communicate with the universal field so that you live the life you absolutely love!

"Every time I fly I ask for open seats next to me and 9 out of 10 times there is no one next to me!  It's like magic!"

👉 That dream house showing up at an unbelievable rate

👉 $125,000 student debt cleared by shifting 1 thing energetically

👉 That idea that takes your business to the next level

👉 More fun than you can imagine with your bestie on vacation

 👉 Open spots at the spa when they said they are fully booked

👉  First-class upgrades & open seats next to you (close to every darn flight!)

👉The man of your dreams in your DMs asking you to sushi

👉 Dreamy client in your DMs saying I'm In!

👉  The exact car you want in the exact color

👉  Free ticket to Dr. Joe Dispenza week-long event

What can you ask for?

🙌 What will it be like to wake up every day with full trust that the universe is 

about to deliver your latest order? 🙌

You need to know 5 things about the universal law - ask & receive:

1. What kind of questions the universe responds to

2. What energy to be when asking

3. How to gain alignment with receiving your ask

4. What to do when you are waiting for it to manifest

5. What to stop doing immediately that's blocking your asks

If you do not know this sequence, 

you either won't be asking or will be asking all day long 

like your kid at the checkout asking over and over for the snicker bar 

- nope, not gettin' it.

You know if your kid were to ask for it the right way....
In the right energy...
And it was a thing you'd actually give your kid...

They'd get it, right?

The universe is the same way.

In just 2 hours I'll show you how to receive everything you ask for.

You were taught to not ask for what you really want.
Heck, even discovered that your wish list to Santa got left unread.

It's no wonder there is an epidemic of Gen-Xers who don't know how to use the universal principle of Ask and You Shall Receive.

But magical friend, once you learn the ancient secret of the ASK, it's like you place an order on Amazon, and BAM.... the delivery comes.

When I learned the art of Asking with the intent to receive my life changed.

You see, I was frustrated having such a big vision that was nothing like my current life.
I was baffled as to why what I desired most was not manifesting, even though I thought I was doing everything right.

I wanted to know...

the secrets to having EVERYTHING I desire manifest.

In my search, I came across the exact phrases to use to have what you ask for manifest.
I also learned how to frequency match.
The next step was to ensure I was open to receiving my desire.

I discovered that I was blocking my asks!

Once I gained alignment, it was like I turned on the magic switch and the universe became my genie in a bottle.

USA November 22nd
AUS November 23rd

In this workshop we'll cover:

1. What kind of questions the universe responds to

2. What energy to be when asking

3. How to gain alignment with receiving your ask

4. What to do when you are anxious and waiting for it to manifest

5. What to stop doing immediately that's blocking your asks

You'll no longer have to guess how to position your asks.

Receive The Magic of the Ask Workshop  for just $95 Right Now!

⭐ Learn HOW to ask the RIGHT questions
⭐ Learn the 3 kinds of questions the universe RESPONDS TO

⭐ Learn how to match the FREQUENCY of your ASK
⭐ What to do when you are WAITING for it to manifest


and you are ready to receive it

⭐ PLUS: ⭐
3 blocks you can avoid to START RECEIVING EVERYTHING you ask for

For 48 hours you can get it for $55 USD then it goes up to $75 USD

You only have...

Scroll down to get this offer

Yes, you can absolutely receive everything you ask for! 

You just need to know HOW to do it! 

I'll show ya ;-)

No products available



  • ​2.20-Video workshop 

  •  view as many times as you like

  • Full process on exactly how to make asks that the universe can hear

What people are saying about this workshop:

That was amazing, it gave me so much information about how to actually ask!
I feel so light and spacious now!

I can't wait to see what shows up for me now, I am going to ask for everything I want!

I can see exactly what I was doing wrong!  Such a relief to know now.

This workshop is a part of my membership The Creation Academy where members are supported to create the life they absolutely love.

Your Ask & Receive Facilitator
Cory Michelle

Cory Michelle, a magical unicorn that knew magical living was possible, heck, she had parking karma! But could not get any other magic to work. Until she learned a few pragmatic tools, addressed hidden energetic blocks, and started asking the universe for the life she desired. 13 years later she travels the globe sharing the secrets with a mission to ignite the magic in others, in hopes of creating a new conversation on the planet, where people know that all they have to do is ask.

What IS Possible For Your Life?

We do not offer refunds or guarantees due to the live nature of this program.
Purchase this workshop with full intent that you will gain value and you will.  Ask and receive. To get the most from this purchase, you will need to use the process I teach you. 

I will bring 100% unicorn magic to the workshop.

Cory Michelle Intl' & Conscious360, LLC - COPYRIGHT @ 2023 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 

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