Transform Yourself into a magical unicorn living the life she absolutely loves

Unlock Your Inner Magic & Live A Life You Absolutely Love!

The problem I help people solve is even though they “know” they can create a life they absolutely love, they aren’t living a life they love.… and they don’t know why they haven’t been able to bridge THAT gap yet. 

- Cory Michelle - 5D Identity Mentor

5D living is here, are you ready to rocket ship your reality, create your future, transcend the mediocrity matrix and
have everything you know is possible?

Join me to be inspired to discover how to apply your energy to create your magical life and bring your dreams alive!


The Secret to Manifesting ANYTHING:

match the frequency of what you want.


Tried everything and feeling burned out & stalled out with manifesting, goal setting or not knowing what to do next that will actually work?

I'll show you how to put an end to inconsistent manifesting and the start of knowing how to manifest everything you want.

Relax sister, I got you.

In this training you'll learn what it takes to become an effortless creator without healing modalities, clearings or focusing on limitations and blocks.

  • Master the Art of Manifesting without Dwelling on Energy Clearing or Altering Limiting Beliefs

  • The Missing Piece if You Are Not Manifesting Everything You Want.

  • How to Confidently Make Choices that Bring Your Dreamy Life Into Reality - Fast

Let me introduce you to the quantum doorway

to the life where you receive every one of your desires.

Let me introduce you to the quantum doorway into your own reality where you are the designer and you can create the life you absolutely love!

Cory Michelle Intl' & Conscious360, LLC - COPYRIGHT @ 2024 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 

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Cory Michelle Intl' & Conscious360, LLC - COPYRIGHT @ 2022 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 

Privacy Policy  -  Terms & Conditions  -  Contact us here